يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.
I noticed that the author no longer developed this program 
so I developed it.I read comments on the old versions and 
solved these problems in this version. 
San Andreas Mod Installer (SAMI) allows you to install mods 
and custom vehicles made for GTA San Andreas 
without having to edit the game files yourself. 
SAMI practically does all of the work for you, 
which makes mod installing (and uninstalling) as easy as a few clicks. 

Version 1.2: 
-Fixed several bugs when replacing line IDE 
-Replac spark console to fastman92 img console 
-Add vehicles viewer 
-Several minor changes to the design 
-New version (should fix errors that some people were having) 
-Several other minor changes

San Andreas Mod Installer v1.2

San Andreas Mod Installer v1.2

San Andreas Mod Installer v1.2

San Andreas Mod Installer v1.2

click to download

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة GTA MODS

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